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The Importance of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy and Postpartum Health

Welcome to the marvelous journey of motherhood, a phase with eternal joy, transformation, and growth. Pregnancy and postpartum are remarkable periods in a woman’s life, demanding exceptional care and attention. The journey, accompanied by significant changes in the body, often leads to discomfort, pain, and realignment changes.

Chiropractic care alleviates these discomforts and promotes a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy. The spine adapts as the baby grows and the womb expands, often resulting in misalignments and discomfort. Chiropractic care helps align the spine, relieve pressure, and enhance nervous system function, supporting the mother’s well-being and fostering an optimal environment for the growing baby.

Yet, it doesn’t end with delivery; the postpartum phase has its own set of challenges and stress. Chiropractic care acts as a vital port, aiding the body’s recovery, promoting healing, and easing the transition into this new phase of life.

Stay tuned to learn more about the transformative power of chiropractic care during pregnancy and postpartum, exploring its role in promoting maternal comfort, supporting fetal development, and fostering overall well-being.



Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Benefits for Expecting Mothers

Chiropractic care offers a wide range of advantages during pregnancy, offering tailored care based on the needs of an individual and contributing to maternal well-being.

  1. Pain Relief: During pregnancy, the body undergoes various adaptations, leading to physical discomforts such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, and sciatica. Chiropractic adjustments help alleviate the pain caused by these discomforts by realigning the spine and reducing pressure on nerves, offering significant relief without medication.
  2. Optimized pelvic Alignment: Pelvic alignment plays a crucial role in childbirth. Chiropractic care focuses on proper pelvic alignment, ensuring optimal positioning for the baby, contributing to a smoother and less complicated delivery process.
  3. Improved Balance and Posture: Maintaining balance and proper posture becomes challenging as the body undergoes various changes during pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments help restore balance and posture, reducing strain on muscles and ligaments.
  4. Enhanced Nervous System Function: Chiropractic care improves overall health and supports baby’s development by optimizing nervous system functioning.
  5. Reduced Labor and Delivery Time: Studies show that regular chiropractic care during pregnancy leads to shorter labor time and fewer chances of interventions during pregnancy, often due to improved pelvic alignment and better musculoskeletal function.
  6. Promoting Overall Wellness: Chiropractic care focuses on holistic well-being more than merely addressing specific discomforts. It helps manage stress, promote better sleep, and boost the immune system, leading to a healthy pregnancy.
  7. Support for Specific Conditions: Pregnant women experiencing symphysis dysfunction or round ligament pain can find relief through tailored chiropractic care, offering a non-invasive alternative to manage these conditions.
  8. Safe and Drug-Free Approach: Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a safe and drug-free alternative to manage pregnancy-related discomforts, avoiding potential risks associated with medications.
  9. Postpartum Recovery: Endowing proper alignment and muscular balance during pregnancy contributes to a smoother postpartum recovery, aiding the body’s ability to bounce back after childbirth.

Safety and Considerations

Addressing common concerns and misconceptions associated with chiropractic care during pregnancy and postpartum is crucial for providing a balanced view. Here are some prevalent concerns and misconceptions:

  1. Safety Concerns: Safety is one of the primary concerns of chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy. People worry that spinal manipulation might harm the development of a baby. However, these adjustments are considered safe and gentle when performed by a qualified chiropractor.
  2. Risk of Miscarriage: The common misconception is that chiropractic adjustments might cause miscarriage. However, there is no scientific evidence linking chiropractic care to an increased risk of miscarriage. Moreover, chiropractors specialized in prenatal care provide tailored treatment based on the individual’s needs.
  3. Perceived Pain or Discomfort: Another misconception is the fear that chiropractic adjustments might cause pain or discomfort during pregnancy. Skilled chiropractors use gentle and modified techniques to ensure comfort and safety for the expectant mother.
  4. Risk of Misalignment: Some worry that chiropractic adjustments might cause misalignments instead of correcting them, leading to more problems. However, trained chiropractors focus on meticulous adjustments to restore proper alignment and alleviate discomfort.
  5. Limited Understanding of Chiropractic Scope: There is a lack of understanding regarding the scope of chiropractic care during pregnancy, leading to misconceptions about its role in supporting overall maternal health and well-being.

Pregnancy and the Spine

Understanding Pregnancy Related Changes

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes a series of remarkable physical changes to accommodate the growing fetus. Here are some of the critical changes that occur:

  1. Uterine Expansion: The uterus expands significantly to accommodate the developing fetus from pear-sized to that of a watermelon by the end of pregnancy.
  2. Weight Gain: Weight gain is a natural physical change during pregnancy to support the growing baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and increased blood volume. 
  3. Hormonal Shifts: Significant hormones like progesterone and estrogen surge, supporting the pregnancy and preparing the body for childbirth. These hormonal fluctuations are significant during pregnancy, leading to various effects such as mood swings, changes in skin appearance, and increased joint flexibility.
  4. Abdominal Changes: As the uterus expands, the abdominal wall stretches, and the abdominal muscles separate, leading to bulging of the abdomen.
  5. Breast Changes: Breasts start preparing for breastfeeding. They may become larger and more tender, and the nipples may darken. The body prepares for lactation by increasing blood flow and developing milk ducts and glands.
  6. Pelvic Changes: The pelvis adjusts to accommodate the growing baby and prepare for childbirth, resulting in a change in posture, an altered walking style, and sometimes discomfort or pain in the pelvic region.
  7. Cardiovascular Adjustments: The heart works harder during pregnancy to pump more blood to the uterus and supply nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus. Blood volume increases by up to 50%, and the heart rate also increases to meet these demands.
  8. Digestive Changes: The growing uterus applies pressure on the intestines, contributing to nausea, heartburn, constipation, and changes in appetite. Moreover, hormonal changes affect digestion, leading to these symptoms. 
  9. Respiratory Changes: The growing uterus impacts the diaphragm, pushing it upwards, leading to shortness of breath for some women, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.

Maintaining Proper Spinal Alignment

Spinal health plays a pivotal role during pregnancy, influencing both the expectant mother’s comfort and the developing baby’s well-being. Here is a breakdown of how spinal health plays a crucial role during pregnancy:

  • Support for Posture Changes: The body’s center of gravity gets altered during pregnancy, leading to changes in posture. A healthy spine helps support these postural adjustments, reducing strain on muscles and ligaments and minimizing discomfort.
  • Pain Management: Spinal health significantly manages common discomforts during pregnancy, such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, and sciatica. Spine misalignment can aggravate these issues, while chiropractic adjustments can relieve proper alignment and relieve pressure on nerves.
  • Pelvic Alignment for Labor and Delivery: A well-aligned spine and pelvis are crucial for an easier and smoother childbirth process. Chiropractic care helps align the pelvis, ensuring that it is properly positioned to support childbirth, potentially reducing the risk of complications during labor.

Preparation for Postpartum Recovery: A healthy spine plays a pivotal role in postpartum recovery. Chiropractic care ensures proper alignment and muscular support, aiding in the body’s ability to bounce back after childbirth.

Common Pregnancy Discomforts

  • Back Pain: One of the most common discomforts during pregnancy is Back Pain. As the uterus expands, it changes the body’s center of gravity, straining the back muscles and causing discomfort in the lower back. This discomfort can be reduced through proper chiropractic care, which focuses on spinal adjustments to relieve pressure and restore proper alignment.
  • Round Ligament Pain: The condition occurs when the round ligaments, which support the uterus, stretch and thicken during pregnancy. This can cause sharp, shooting pain, especially on one or both sides of the abdomen. Chiropractic adjustments help alleviate round ligament pain by reducing strain and promoting better pelvic alignment.
  • Sciatica: Sciatica is due to the pressure on the sciatic nerve by the uterus, causing pain and numbness that radiates from the lower back down through the hips to the leg. Chiropractic care helps treat sciatica by addressing misalignments around the sciatic nerve, providing relief and restoring comfort.
  • Pelvic Health and Balance: Maintaining pelvic health is crucial for a smoother childbirth experience. Tailored chiropractic adjustments for the pelvis ensure proper alignment, reducing the risk of complications and discomforts associated with misaligned pelvises during labor and delivery.

Reduced Labor Duration

  • Pelvic Alignment: Proper pelvic alignment is crucial for an efficient labor process. A misaligned pelvis can create obstacles and contribute to a longer and more challenging labor. Chiropractic care optimizes pelvic alignment through gentle alignments, allowing for a smoother progression of labor.
  • Prevention of Dystocia: Dystocia refers to a complex or prolonged labor. The condition occurs due to pelvic misalignments and other biomechanical issues. Chiropractic care addresses these issues by reducing the chances of dystocia, potentially leading to shorter and less complicated labor.

Chiropractic Care Postpartum

Postpartum Recovery

  • Alignment restoration: The body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy to accommodate the growing baby. Chiropractic care during postpartum focuses on restoring the body’s alignment, especially the spine and pelvis, which might have experienced shifts during pregnancy and labor. Thus, realignment helps in alleviating back pain and discomfort.
  • Relief from Muscular Tension: Labor and childbirth strain the muscles, leading to soreness and tension, especially in the back. Chiropractic adjustments target these areas of tension, providing relief and promoting muscle relaxation to reduce postpartum back pain.
  • Promotes Healing: Chiropractic care supports the body’s natural healing processes by ensuring proper alignment and function of the spine and nervous system.
  • Pelvic Floor Support: Chiropractic care supports pelvic floor health by proper adjustments and exercises, aiding in strengthening and restoring the pelvic muscles, addressing pelvic pain arising after childbirth.

Choosing a Chiropractor

Here are few tips to be considered while selecting a chiropractor:

  • Specialization and Experience: Look for a specialized chiropractor with experience in prenatal and postpartum care. Check for the certifications, additional education, or specific expertise in working with pregnant individuals.
  • Research and Credentials: Choose a licensed and accredited chiropractor by verifying their credentials, affiliations with reputable chiropractic associations, and additional certifications related to prenatal or postpartum care.
  • Referrals and Recommendations: Seek recommendations from healthcare providers, friends, or family who have experience with prenatal chiropractic care. Their insights can help identify chiropractors known for their expertise in prenatal and postpartum care.
  • Reviews and Testimonials: Do research online reviews and testimonials from other pregnant or postpartum patients. Their feedback offers valuable insights into the quality of care provided.


During the wonderful journey of pregnancy and postpartum, the body undergoes significant changes to nurture the new life. Chiropractic care plays a pivotal role throughout these periods by optimizing the pelvic health, aligning the spine, addressing the discomforts, and enhancing the overall maternal well-being. Chiropractic care not just alleviates discomforts but contributes to a conducive environment for smoother delivery.

Chiropractic care continues playing a crucial role during postpartum recovery by realigning the body, relieving muscular strains, supporting the pelvic floor, aiding in postpartum healing and recovery.

You can also reach us by phone at +1 (832) 812-6045 or by email at [email protected]. We are always happy to hear from our clients and answer any questions you may have.