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Cupping Therapy: Effective Techniques for Back Pain Relief

Are you experiencing severe back pain? If yes, then you know very well how weakening it can be. Now you would think surgery is the only option to deal with this pain. But no, fortunately, surgery is not the only option. There are various non-invasive methods to relieve back pain, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, and soft tissue treatment, also known as cupping therapy. 

Now the question is: Could cupping therapy provide the solution you’ve sought to alleviate your back pain?

To know the answer of this question, you must know all about cupping therapy and how it works. 

So, continue reading this article.

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is an old way of healing that some people use to relieve pain. What the therapist does is they put cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs, or other body parts. The cups create suction that pulls your skin upward.

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of treatment that was initiated in China and West Asia a long time ago. People have been using this method for thousands of years.

Other names for cupping therapy include cupping, cup therapy, and suction cup therapy.

What’s the work of Cupping Therapy? 

Cupping therapy is supposed to offer multiple benefits. It is primarily used to promote pain relief, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation. The suction created by the cups is thought to stimulate the flow of energy and encourage the healing process in the targeted areas.

However, just note down one thing that scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of cupping therapy is limited, and individual experiences with the treatment may vary.

Cupping Therapy for Back Pain

Let us have look at some symptoms alleviated by the cupping therapy related to various conditions, such as:

  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and shoulder pain.
  • Asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders like irritable bowel disease (IBD).
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).

How does cupping therapy operate?

Well, the answer to this question is still in the process. Professionals are still on their way to explore how cupping therapy makes the pain and disease symptoms seamless.  

Although if we understand, this is how it operates–

During cupping therapy, the cups create suction that pulls fluid into the area being treated. This suction causes tiny blood vessels under the skin to expand and break open. As a result, your body sends fresh and healthy blood to those areas, promoting healing at a cellular level. This is saying that cupping therapy helps release toxins from the body due to this process.

How do we perform cupping?

Cupping can be done in different ways, and the steps may vary a bit depending on the method used. Our therapist will place the cups on your body and leave them there for a few minutes. In some cases, the cups might be moved briefly to stretch and massage the area.

The cupping methods involves the following: 

  • Dry Cupping: Cups are placed on the skin without any additional substances.
  • Wet Cupping: The therapist makes small incisions on the skin before applying the cups to encourage the extraction of a small amount of blood.
  • Fire Cupping: A flame is briefly placed inside the cup to create suction before it is applied to the skin.
  • Silicone Cupping: Cups made of silicone material are used instead of glass or plastic cups.
  • Moving Cupping: The cups are moved along the skin by the therapist, providing a massage-like effect.
  • Herbal Cupping: A combination of cupping and herbal preparations, where the cups are applied to the skin after being heated with herbs.
  • Flash Cupping: Cups are quickly placed and removed from the skin in rapid succession.

What should you expect from cupping?

When you get cupping therapy, the suction pulls on your skin and breaks tiny blood vessels called capillaries. This can leave round red marks on your skin that look like bruises. However, these marks are not real bruises that hurt your muscles. They should go away on their own within a week or two.

Does this therapy hurt?

Cupping therapy usually doesn’t cause pain, but you may feel your skin tighten during the procedure. Afterward, you might have some bruising and mild soreness, but it shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.

Winding up

Cupping therapy for back pain is believed to work through increased blood flow, muscle relaxation, anti-inflammatory effects, and nerve stimulation. The cups create suction, improving circulation and reducing muscle tension. It may release muscle knots, stimulate anti-inflammatory substances, and block pain signals temporarily. However, scientific evidence is limited, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. So that we recommend you to get in touch with us at ASAP Rehab and Performance for the free consultations regarding cupping therapy.